Blueberry Banana Protein Smoothie

You worked hard all winter long to be able to lose those stubborn pounds and get your body summer-ready, don’t lose it now that summer is here! This smoothie is great for a mom (or dad) on-the-go or just someone who wants to relax poolside.…

Small, but Mighty

With it being National Blueberry Month, we were curious about what makes these tiny fruits so special. I mean, what about blueberries is so significant that they have an entire month dedicated to them?  We did some research, and it turns out…

July is Here, it’s Time for Blueberries!

July is National Blueberry Month, so at Orr’s we feel the need to celebrate these small fruits accordingly. Packed full of antioxidants, blueberries are great for losing weight, fighting off disease, and are delicious too! From breakfast to…

Thank A Farmer This Fourth!

I think we all remember that Ram Truck’s “So God Made a Farmer” commercial that rocked America from the 2013 Super Bowl. It features Paul Harvey’s like-named speech from 1978, eloquently telling the story of how God needed someone to…

Be Picky This Weekend!

              One of our favorite things about summertime is our Blue Grass weekend performances. There’s just something so fun and entertaining about hearing those guitar and banjo…

June is National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month!

              It seems like there’s a national day for everything nowadays! This month, it’s National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month, and with it being right smack in the middle…

Cherry Lemonade Muffins – Perfect for Dad!

                  Father’s Day is just around the corner, summer is almost here, and it’s just about time for sweet cherry season! Picking fresh sweet cherries is…

Pink Lemonade Popsicle!

              It may have taken Mother Nature a little longer than usual to make it feel like summer, but that hot weather is finally here! What’s the perfect snack to help you and…

What To Do This June

This year seems to be flying by, right? It’s already almost June! And although it took forever for spring to finally arrive, it’s already almost summer. If you’re still trying to figure out what fun things you can do to celebrate the new…

Make Your Memorial Day Memorable—with Bison!

Looking to try something new this Memorial Day? Look no further! We know just what you need to spice up your Memorial Day cookout—a bison burger! Bison is high in protein and B vitamins, and as easy to make as any other beef burger. Follow…