Buying Local
There’s something special about our “pick-your-own” options. It's similar to the warm feeling you get when you see that a product was handmade. Picking your own bouquet allows you to feel like you were a part of the creation of something…

Quarantine Movies and TV Shows
There’s a reason why Netflix stocks are soaring— with everyone hunkered down at home, movies and TV shows are one of our main (and only) sources of entertainment. With so much free time delegated to our couches, people are actually starting…

It’s All Apples and Oranges
Have you ever heard the saying “comparing apples to oranges?” It means that you’re comparing two things that don’t actually have anything in common. At Orr’s, we disagree, because apples and oranges have at least one thing in common—they’re…

Celebrate Earth Day!
As employees at Orr’s, we feel fortunate to be able to spend so much of our time outdoors. We work many hours each day to keep our land in its best condition. We get to breathe fresh air, smell the sweet scents of nature, and feel the sun…

Maple Syrup Dreams
Whether it’s poured over pancakes, baked in a cake, or in ice cream, there’s something special about maple syrup. Orr’s Farm Market carries West Virginia-made maple syrup. So, of course we’ve been searching for recipes to it try out.…

How to Use Orr’s Online Ordering System
“Ooo!” is probably what you say every time you bite into one of our tasty treats, but we gave a new meaning to the triple “O” when we created Orr’s Online Ordering system! As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, everyone is doing their…

Fall Movie Bucket List
Is there anything better than curling up under a blanket as the air begins to chill? Add a couple of yummy snacks, a warm drink, and a feel-good movie and you’re set! Read on for the ultimate fall movie bucket list to take full advantage of…

Live Bluegrass Weekends
Have you been out to our live Bluegrass Weekends yet? This month, we have two amazing bands coming to play. On October 26, Ernie Bradley & The Grassy Ridge will be here, and on October 27 Stoney Creek Bluegrass will be playing! Bluegrass…

Pumpkins For All
It’s here, folks! The moment you’ve all been waiting for. It’s . . . pumpkin season! Although most pumpkin recipes get their flavor from a can of pumpkin puree, this season we challenge you to incorporate as much fresh pumpkin as possible.…

Fall-ing for Orr’s Farm Market
Fall-ing for Orr’s Farm Market
Although fall is a notoriously short season, it’s a favorite of so many because of the wide variety of fun fall activities! The brevity of the season makes it all the more special, and autumn is the perfect…