Fall-ing for Orr’s Farm Market

Fall-ing for Orr’s Farm Market

Although fall is a notoriously short season, it’s a favorite of so many because of the wide variety of fun fall activities! The brevity of the season makes it all the more special, and autumn is the perfect time to begin some magical traditions with your family. Check out some recommendations below—some are old and some are new, but there’s no doubt that your family will treasure these memories for years to come!

1. Go on a nature hike.

Although this seems an obvious suggestion, there’s no doubt that Americans spend too much time indoors. Going outside and taking a walk is a great way to get some exercise, clear your head and spend quality time with your loved ones! Put on your coziest layers and take a walk under the beautiful foliage this fall.

2. Go to a football game.

This may be another obvious suggestion, but there’s something so nice about simply enjoying a competitive game of football, or another sport, in the fall. Put your phone away, talk to those around you and support your local athletes! There are so many schools and universities in the local area where you can attend a game for almost nothing. If the forecast calls for chilly temps, bring a cozy blanket and a warm beverage to maximize the experience.

3. Carve pumpkins and roast the seeds.

Everyone has carved a pumpkin, but if you’ve never made homemade roasted pumpkin seeds, you’re missing an essential fall experience. Check out the basic instructions here, but feel free to use your imagination to create unique flavor combinations. You can never go wrong with cinnamon and sugar, but there are endless possibilities and no wrong answers!

4. Plant bulbs in your garden for next spring.

This fall activity is a lesson in patience. Although it will be a long winter before your new plants come poking up, nothing can beat the sense of pride and accomplishment that those little sprouts will bring you. Look for tulips, daffodils, or hyacinth bulbs this fall!

5. Get started on a homemade Halloween costume.

Every trick-or-treater knows that Halloween costumes can be crazy expensive. Rather than doling out your cash on a low-quality costume, flex your crafting skills and make your own! The best costumes are simple to make, but have a big impact. Take inspiration from your favorite foods, TV shows and books, and get started on your homemade costume. For example, these DIY soda bottle costumes are so cute and easy to recreate!

6. Go to a pumpkin patch, take a hay ride, and wander through a corn maze.

Is there anything more quintessentially fall than visiting a bustling pumpkin patch? The sights, the sounds, the smells. . . no wonder so many families visit a patch every fall! Lucky for you, Orr’s is a one-stop shop for all of these activities. Check out our Fall Farm Fun Days, or take a look at the pumpkin patch schedule here. The patch opens September 7th!

That’s all we got, folks! Of course, these are just some suggestions—put on your thinking cap, and get out there and create some fall memories with your family!