Orr’s Blog

barnyard crew

Meet Our Barnyard Crew!

It's been a while since we've done a barnyard update, so what better time than now, since the pumpkin patch is opening up for the 2023 season? We started The Barnyard about 8 years ago, and since then it's more than tripled in size. We started…

Ramp Season is Here

What even is a ramp you might ask yourself? It’s a wild onion that grows in the mountains. It looks like a scallion, and tastes like a cross between an onion and garlic. The bulb of the ramp looks very similar to a spring onion, but the…

How to build the perfect charcuterie board

Have you been stuck with the spot of hosting an event or party and felt stuck; Because me too!  I’m here to help you create the perfect charcuterie board with all things you can pick up in one place- our farm market.  Hopefully after…
Orr's CSA

Cheers to Year 3  

We are heading into our 3rd season of CSA. CSA stands for community supported agriculture. Orr’s CSA is a weekly subscription program that runs from the last Tuesday in May through the end of September. Customers will receive a produce…

What To Do With Winter Squash?

Winter squash is a type of vegetable that has a thicker skin, and a much longer shelf life than regular squash.  They are called winter squash because you harvest them in fall to keep through the winter. At our farm we grew over 10 varieties…
tomatoes in a basket

Let’s Talk Tomatoes

This year our farm planted roughly 10 varieties of tomatoes in our 5 ½ acre garden.  Before I give you some background on each one, I wanted to talk about some of the benefits of tomatoes.  They are packed full of antioxidants, which…

What’s being harvested around the farm?

This is one of my favorite times of the year, for many reasons.  This is the time when we actually get to start harvesting our fruits, and vegetables.  With roughly 50 acres of garden space, our imagination gets to run wild when we plant,…

Feelin’ Peachy

July Farm News The time has come...peach season is in full swing!  Peaches are by far, my favorite fruit.  Taking a bit out of the perfect one and having the juice run down your arm just screams summer to me.  Peaches are such a versatile…
donkeys in barn

All About the Barnyard at Orr’s

The Barnyard at Orr’s has been open since 2018.  It originally started as the new location for our pumpkin patch with the idea that we’d add animals and a small petting zoo. Each season we’ve added new animals, some purchased…and some…
Apple Nachos

Lots, and lots, of Apples!

Some of my favorite apples are Granny Smith, Pink Lady, and Mountaineer York. I’m always looking at different ways to prepare them, so I don’t get burnt out, on the same thing. Recently, I’ve been making apple nachos. To make this,…
Summer Veggies

Homegrown Garden Veggies Coming Your Way! 

Did you know that we put months of planning into our gardens each year? It's not as easy as just picking out some seeds, and throwing them in the ground for us. We plant multiple gardens every season, full of lively vigorous plants. Starting…
Orrs Strawberries

Strawberry Season Here We Come!

We’ve invited the public out year after year, since the 1980’s, for pick your own strawberries.  That’s over 40 years of planting, tending, and harvesting this tasty fruit.  We usually plant our strawberries in late summer or early…